Jun 6, 2014


I have so many things to talk about and so little time to do it.
Priority is a word I learned to understand in the last two weeks.
Setting priorities means that you don't have the time to care for the less important things in your life.
The question is, are there less important things in life? what does 'less important' mean? if it is not that important then why care about it at all? why not drop it completely?
So there is no 'less important thing'... either it's there or it's not. Why put a priority on it?


I neglected a lot of things in the past few weeks.
One and foremost my best of bestest friend, soulmate, partner in crime, greatest German basketball player since Nowitzki: Dominik, which I only came to talk to in school, during basketball practice and the one or two phone calls a day usually before going to sleep.


I haven't posted anything in here for a while although I have tons of things to tell... like this concert I have been to a week before last Friday, my surprise birthday party last Tuesday night, the presents I got from my mother last Wednesday, the present I got from Dominik and the present I got from Adam+Dominik. The fairy tale like date I had yesterday with my boyfriend. TONS of things to tell you guys about.


I also haven't talked to some of my online friends lately... like Sarah, I don't know how she is doing. Whenever I get the chance to come online she isn't there.
Lucas being another one... I miss them all. Lucas is getting ready for a trip from summer-hot New Zealand to winter-cold Europe very soon and I would like to know more about the things he has planned... maybe he'll come to Germany and we can meet.
So far I only promised him a good hot cup of coffee and a hug. I want to see if he just looks like a teddybear or if he also feels like one :o)

I promised Ellie aka theatre4evergirl to be on MSN to finally talk to her after writing messages and leaving comments on eachother's cahnnels for the last two months. Hell I don't even know how our adopted kitten HUGO is doing.


And my family... mostly my mom. I had to promise her something this morning at the breakfast table. The only present she wants for christmas is the present of time. Time to spend with me. Time for us to go to the movies... to have dinner in a nice restaurant... to talk.

Time is important. Make time for... give time to... and spend time with your loved ones.


This blog took me 30 minutes to write. And another 10 minutes to search for the appropriate music I want to post along with.

Lionel Richie - Time