Jan 5, 2010

Good Times

Last Thanksgiving I had not much to thank for. Dominik had just broke up with me and all in all I was not in a good place emotionally.

Two months later everything has changed.
Thanks to Steve (planetx_123) who I grew to like as kind of a big brother I've been introduced to torchy! - yes, no first name, just a nickname with an exclamation mark... like CHER  :op

Torchy was very nice and when I told him that I've found out about this supportive gay bloggers community and that I'd like to make more gay friends since I almost had none, he was very kind and introduced me to a lot of bloggers. I've met the nicest people since then...
There are Australians, Americans, Canadians, Brits, Mexicans, Swiss, Germans and one totally sweet guy from Malaysia. All in all I have met about 15 to 20 new people and they are all nice and we all started to talk on skype and we're all having a lot of fun and are very supportive to each other.

If you just take a look at my twitterstats, you'll understand how big this whole thing is for me.

You can see that a lot has happened in the last two months. One thing I am tremendously happy about is the fact that Dominik and I are back together. He said he never stopped loving me and that no matter what reasons he had to break up in the first place, they don't exist anymore..
So I think what I'm trying to say is, that if Thanksgiving was today, I would probably give a 15 minute speech to try to name all the things I am thankful for.

I love you all - have a great new year everyone.


Mr. Urs said...

In this case: Happy Thanksgiving!

Village Boy said...

These are really good news! As Mr. Urs says, Happy Thanksgiving!

I have just recently found your blog on Torchy!'s blog list, and have caught up with it since then! Good to hear that Dominik and you are back together! Hope that this good start is the beginning of a wonderful 2010 for you =)

Viele Grüße
Village Boy

Planetx_123 said...

Wow! I feel so special-- I didn't realize that all of this started from that epic-ly long skype where I told you my terrible childhood memories of the Blair Witch Project! But that's hilarious :-)

And just to think-- only months prior you had STOPPED following me on twitter because I wasn't very interesting :-) I won't forget that, because I was PISSED-- and I remember exactly when I got it, because I was eating and was like "who is this fucker!" lol-- good times

Much Love,