Jun 25, 2010


Hypothetical question: when someone you know has an incredible talent in something you so wish you had talent in yourself and that person doesn't make the most of it and this person happens to be your business because he is your boyfriend, are you allowed to get mad at him and not force but push him towards the right path because you only want his best? Yes or no?


naturgesetz said...

I don't think you're allowed to get mad. I think you're allowed to encourage. But encouragement that is given too frequently is actually nagging, which irritates the naggee. So keep it light and rare.

Bottom line, it's his life, even if he is your bf.

MartininBroda said...

Ich kommentier mal in Deutsch, John hat recht, prinzipiell; aber manchmal braucht jemand auch jemanden, der einem einen Schubs gibt. Aber wenn du es übertreibst, wird jeder normale Mensch bockig werden. Du brauchst also das Fingerspitzengefühl für den richtigen Schubs, viel Glück.

Random Thinker said...

you can never, ever get someone to do something they truly don't want to do - at least not without major issues.

So, explain your pride in that person's talent, explain your admiration, and its ok to say you're disappointed that the talent is less than fulfilled.

Be supportive, be understanding - this could be that he has a talent for something he doesn't have a passion for.