Feb 6, 2009

He called me babe

I had my first sort of fight with Adam over something really really stupid. All he tried to do was to be nice and loving. He called me babe.
I don't know why I didn't like this. I reacted really stupid. I felt like he is trying to push me into a position that I don't want to be in. The "female" part of the relationship.
This sounds so stupid, I know.

I think I am all stressed because of this whole desaster of being in LA while he is in Germany. And I feel so fucked because I can't be close to him. Now I act like an idiot and fight over nothing.
So he called me babe... big deal.

Ah fuck, I don't know what I am talking about.

1 comment:

Sarah said...

oh sweetie I am so sorry for you. I know the feeling you have. I've had some of those.
tell him that you feel stupid and you're sorry if you haven't already.

Hugs Sasa