Jun 3, 2009

He meant well

I got a good advice for you.

if you happen to be a 16 year old and your mom's boyfriend offers to show you how to shave, then... LISTEN TO HIM.

cutting yourself is no fun. and applying aftershave after cutting yourself HURTS LIKE HELL. They shouldn't call it aftershave. They should call it fire in a bottle.

After this experience I strongly believe that using ducttape on your face and ripping your facial hair off would ACTUALLY BE LESS PAINFULL.


Mr. Urs said...

Either Dominik likes facial hair or you'll just have to get used to it.

Nic said...

no, he doesn't. but it's ok. it's not like I have to shave off a monkey's head or anything.

I guess I can deal with the pain once a week.

CheekySpook said...

you could just go the easy way and get an electric shaver ya know :o)