Sep 5, 2009

A Three and a Half Year Shoe Contract

Friends, i have once again completed watching one of my ALL TIME favorite films
The Life Aquatic
Directed by Wes Anderson
And staring Bill Murray.

I would like to share a poem with you that i wrote some time ago.
It is titled

(picture of a palm-like tree)Pluck

Can be found
but never touched
evil but love light &
dark life and death
air and solid all touch earth is
stopped the root is not buried deep
see cant everyone diction leather lead
let it all out show your life stop the crap
that can be started dont listen revolt
end all that none end conform stop all never
begin the conform stop if you want on the
never ending ride no one escapes it
doesnt end if you plant a seed
you do nothing to prevent
nothing START IT ALL.

Dedicated to Esteban.
And the past.
And the future.

I love all of you, take care.


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