Dec 27, 2009

tears of joy

Mom is in the kitchen preparing a nice dinner. The whole house is dark-lit. A lot of candles are burning. Mom put on some old christmas cassettes/tapes.

We are listening to old recordings and whenever there is a bump or silence or a crackling mom yells "Niiiiiiic, you played with it again".

But then something happened that brought the whole house to silence...

in the middle of a song the recording  stops and you hear a little baby boy play his tiny keyboards by just pressing one key at a time... there is no real melody... just rhythmic noise... then he starts to humm along and sing "la la la la"... it's me at the age of 4 I think... and then

we hear dad in the background yelling... "enoooough, nicky, sleep already".. then you hear nothing.

I think this is the magic of christmas.


Planetx_123 said...

Yes- it is :-)

I can't pull out my tapes of my old family christmases. I did last year, and even though it was kind of wonderful to experience the nostalgia, I couldn't really handle it, because I miss my dad quite a bit.

Thanks- this put a smile on my face :-)


Anonymous said...

It is very interesting for me to read the article. Thanks for it. I like such themes and everything connected to this matter. I would like to read a bit more soon.

Unknown said...

What an amazing and wonderful moment this must have been ... I am happy for you.


Anonymous said...

Cute, yes that is Christmas as it should be :)


torchy! said...

i can totally feel those tears of joy.
