Jul 25, 2009

my 2 GBs.

Hey folks.
Ive been thinking about a lot of different things lately.
Here are a few.

America is not the most spectacular place in the world. As a country, truly, we are blessed with wealth and a fairly good government (it fucks up a lot, and has a lot of problems, but at least we have clean water and electricity, eh?) and personally, as an American, I am profoundly grateful to be inherently given such awesome physical factors which benefit my life.
Socially, we are one of the most repressed nations in the world. We have been brainwashed and battered from birth with ideals that (regretfully i say) come from the christian religion. We are more like sheep then people. We are raised to believe what we are told and not to believe what we personally think.
And it is scary, let me tell you.
For example, this past week i went to "bible camp" as a sign of good will for my father. While i was there, i got into a heated discussion with a fundamental christian about the creation story and evolution theory. Both of which he claimed were false. While we were talking, a girl came up and asked if heaven was what we wanted it to be. He answered that it was not what we wanted it to be, but it was what God had made it. And she said ok just wondering and turned around and took off.
She didnt even question the guy.
And he happened to be the youth leader of his church, which had 38 some odd kids in it.
This man who doesnt believe in basic, practically proven scientific theories is in charge of the philosophy and religious guidance of a group of impressionable children.
DO NOT get the impression that I dont respect his opinion. In America, we have the right to believe what we want to without being persecuted, and i respect him for his opinion.
But when you start to go around and tell people that THIS HAPPENED THIS WAY and thats the only way it happened, and when those people you are telling are children, i have to get pissed. Oh and i love how religious fundamentalists walk around with signs like "america is gods country" and "iraqis are satan worshippers"... how christian is that? Seriously. Bible says Love thy neighbor. We all have to share this planet. You want people to respect you, you show them respect.
What really makes me laugh though, oh man
when christians laugh at other creation stories like they are rediculous....
I forget the religion where the world is like on a giant turtles back, but someone was talking about that story the other day and laughing because it was so absurd.
Im sorry, but a mystical being waving his hand and creating a race of cognizant people in one week is so logical and serious?
Just sad...

And then oncce these kids are all wonderfully brainwashed in the rightious causes of the Christian way, they are released unto the world to wreck their havok. Name a war. Trace it back to its origins. I can almost guarentee that it was started because of some religious issue.

And on a less large scale, lets look at the impact that this has on the rest of us "sinners" or whatever we are supposed to be.

Religion and non-hetrosexuality.

Oh man.
So these christian kids go to school right? they walk the halls and entertain one another, and fight and be kids. Dont know if this is as big of a word in other places as it is here, but one really common insult used at my school is GAY. Thats SO GAY. You're GAY. That test was so frigugking GAY. GAY GAY GAY. and we sit around and allow this word to become a negative. And people say, whats the harm in that..... Ok....Well.... Lets say you actually are gay. You like people of the same sex. And all your life, the word GAY has a connotation of being REALLY REALLY BAD.
Why on earth would you want to admit to being something that has such a negative connotation?

People in our country are TERRIFIED of being a sexuality other than their own. ABSOLUTELY horror stricken at the prospect of being that feared word, GAY. So instead of being themselves, they hide. And fake. And there is nothing wrong with that, except it can TOTALLY DESTROY you on the inside.

I mean, you know how afraid people in America are?
If you are a straight male in highschool
And you have a friend who is a gay male
you are as good as done. People will simply assume you are GAY and either shun you for it or mock you for it.
And you aren't even gay. You just have a gay friend.
WTF people.
So what happens then is GAY people dont have any (male) friends. (usually)
So the closeted people see this and go "huh, look at that, if i come out, then i dont have friends anymore". So what do you think they do??
WTF people.

And why are GAYS evil?
Because the bible says that tho shalt not lay down with another man like you would your wife.
It doesnt even say gays are evil.

So these terrifed closeted kids walk home every evening. They want to be good little christians for their good little christian parents, so they get up every sunday and sing praises to the lord.
But on their walk home, they see a man.
A man on the side of the road holding a sign.
A sign that says

Now this kid, being a good american child and believing everything he is told, ESPECIALLY when it comes to religion and philosophy, reads this sign.
God hates him?
The all loving, all smiling, all dancing God hates him? Billy the 13 year old? Cause he thinks he likes Mark the 12 year old?
Well now he sure as hell isnt coming out.
Fuck that
he says. God hates me i go to fucking hell, and fucking hell sucks. A lot. Cause thats what miss sunday school lady says.
She also says being gay is a sin.

So Billy goes home.
Billy goes to bed. Billy gets on the side of his bed, down on his little knees, folds his hands and what does he do?

Prays that god will make him not GAY.

He cries, because he doesnt want to go to hell, but he cant stop these feelings. Because he needs to stop them. Cause being GAY is BAD BAD BAD.

2 days later
Billys dead.

He found good 'ol pop's 6shooter (pop likes his constitutional right to own firearms) and blew his head off.
Because having to go through one more day of this life he lives
this sinful
fucked up
life of his.
Is worse than an eternity in christian hell.

And people ACTUALLY wonder WHY would a 13 year old do this to himself.
They wonder....
I wonder...

This the the society of America.
This the the land of the Free.
These are the people of God.
Hallelah, Praise the lord.


Planetx_123 said...

I agree very much and identify with your anger. I think religion has very much outstayed its welcome. We have outgrown it.

Also- don't confuse respect: you 'respect' his right to have an opinion-- but you don't have to respect his opinion.

I respect any opinion that is held as the result of rational, critical thought. Thus, certainly people can hold opinions different than mine, and I will respect them, if I respect the manner in which they arrived at such an opinion. However, in the case of religion, I cannot respect anyones opinion that is based on insanity. It is INSANE by every definition to 'believe' in christianity (i.e. it is insane to believe something to be real in the face of contrary evidence). So no-- I do not respect christianity-- but I do respect their right to hold such an opinion.

Much Love,

Jake said...

Thank you steve :D thats what i get for not proof reading.... :P