Jul 30, 2009

stupidity must be punished

read my convo with Duane

Nic: I on the other hand am one of his biggest fans
Nic: and his ad campaign manager now
Nic: I think you must have gotten a tweet from me too
CheekySpook: ?
Nic: did you get a tweet from gossipboy4MrT lately?
Nic: that's me
CheekySpook: no i didnt
Nic: I @replied you
CheekySpook: nope
Nic: hmm
Nic: wait
Nic: http://twitter.com/gossipboy4MrT/status/2915489590 yes I sent it to you 13 hours ago
CheekySpook: you've locked it
CheekySpook: if its locked and I'm not following, then I won't get the tweet
Nic: even when I @reply you?
CheekySpook: yeah
Nic: let me check
CheekySpook: only ppl that follow you can get @repliy
CheekySpook: its true. oh its true

Nic: fuuuuuuuuuuuck
Nic: 250 messages for nothing?
CheekySpook: lol
Nic: if I set them to unlock, will they recieve it then?
CheekySpook: try
Nic: ok
CheekySpook: prolly not cos it was 13 hours ago....im not checking back 13 hours

Nic: Your tweets are currently protected; only those you approve will receive your tweets. You will not appear on the public timeline. Tweets posted previously may still be publicly visible in some places.
Nic: fuck, no it won't send them
CheekySpook: nope not showing up

Nic: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Nic: 2 hours of work down the drain
CheekySpook: i dont mean to be a bastard but hahahahahaha
Nic: aaaaaaaaaaah
Nic: aaaaaaaaah
Nic: what a load of BS
Nic: fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck
CheekySpook: lol
Nic: like I swear to god
Nic: I
Nic: aaaaaaaaaaaaah

*** Incoming call from CheekySpook ***
CheekySpook: talk, I wanna hear how pissed you are
*** call ended. ***

(all I said was FUCK YOU and hung up)

CheekySpook: lol
Nic: my aunt was standing right next to me when I said FU
CheekySpook: lol
Nic: I just got a lecture


At the same time talking to Lucas:

Nic: ok see, the thing is, Lucas
Nic: I am gossipboy4MrT on twitter and I've started this huge ad campaign to get him into the top ten on twitterwall
Nic: the problem: I sent 253 tweets over the course of two days
Nic: like two hours of hard copy paste labour
Nic: and I just found out not a single person recieved it
Nic: because I had the account set on LOCKED
Nic: which means it will not show the tweets to anyone that is not following me
Nic: even if it is a direct @reply
Nic: do you understand my outrage now?
Lucas: bahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahah!
Lucas: :D :D :D :D
Nic: where is the shoot-me-in-the-head-smiley when I need it most?
Lucas: all I can say is still bahahahahahahahahahahahaha!
Nic: wait, maybe there is hope
Nic: that girl recieved it http://twitter.com/ilvorngiceblock/status/2926378781
Nic: did you recieve it too?
Lucas: nope.
Nic: head meets table
Lucas: and the lolling continues

yeah basicly, I'M DUMB


CheekySpook said...

still lol

Mr. Urs said...

Ad executives do not fall like manna from heaven. Nevertheless, I voted twice.

Nic said...

@CheekySpook /ignore

@Mr. Urs Dankeschön Urs :o)